Achieving excellence in asset management is critical to increasing the return on investment in companies that are asset-intensive or that rely on assets to establish their business such as companies in the energy, water and manufacturing industries.
The success of these companies depends on managing their assets so that their facilities and equipment reliably provide value to carry out the business plan consistently throughout the life of their operations. According to the ISO 55000 series of standards, Asset Management marks the beginning of a new era in business administration, something to be practiced by those who seek excellence in business.
Asset Management is not limited to managing infrastructure or equipment, but transcends the barrier of operational limits to influence business strategies. the costs involved and the associated risks.
Asset management coordinates an organization's financial, operational, maintenance, risk and other business-related activities to derive more value from its assets.
The practice of Asset Management implies an initial reflection on the company's positioning in the market, on its long-term objectives and on the expectations and needs of stakeholders and how they interact with the company's business.
In this aspect, asset management is the process that will determine the acquisition, use and disposal of assets to obtain the best benefits from their performance, managing the risks and related costs throughout their life cycle.
Knowing the right time to invest in assets can be the difference between obtaining an excellent technical-financial performance or causing irreparable damage, from the image to the customers to major financial losses.

"Asset Management turns strategic intent into achievement."
Eng. Marisa Zampolli

There are great opportunities to unlock the full potential of asset management to improve operations, reduce costs, better manage risk and meet corporate goals. But first, “excellence in asset management” must be a top management priority so that the most effective decision making is supported by the best analysis for plan, predict and optimize performance on a cyclical basis.


EGAESE aims to present and discuss current asset management practices for companies in the electricity sector, trends and challenges for the segment for the coming years.
The event, held 8 years ago, brings together around 100 experts and executives from Brazilian Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution companies, international experts and representatives of regulatory bodies in Brazil and abroad to promote the sharing of knowledge and practices adopted in asset management for the electricity sector.
With great recognition by the media and the sector, the event stands out for its leadership in discussions on gains in administrative efficiency, based on efficient asset management.
And partner companies

The Amauri Engineer National Asset Management Award Reigado recognizes, annually, the best practices in Assets applied to the Brazilian electricity sector. Actions carried out in concessionary companies can be registered and licensees in the electricity sector who practice the concepts of Asset Management in your daily life, in the categories:
•Technology and Innovation •Lifecycle activities
•Strategic Management •Regulatory Affairs

The Amauri Engineer National Asset Management Award Reigado recognizes, annually, the best practices in Assets applied to the Brazilian electricity sector. Actions carried out in concessionary companies can be registered and licensees in the electricity sector who practice the concepts of Asset Management in your daily life, in the categories:
• TECHNOLOGY AND INOVATION - monitoring systems, software, tools and equipment, innovation processes, improvement projects, implementation of new technologies or new methodologies.
• LIFE CYCLE ACTIVITIES - specification, design, acquisition, operation, maintenance, lCC, risk management, change management, disposal, recycling, critical analysis, equipment acquisition, replacement and disposal criteria, remaining life analysis, estimates and projections.
• STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - senior management involvement, indicators and measurement of results, critical analysis, strategic plans, planning, risk management, projections, resource management, people management, impact analysis.
• REGULATORY IMPACTS - how asset management can support regulation and the country's energy market, results of technical indicators obtained by asset management.

ATIVIDADES NO CICLO DE VIDA - processos de especificação, projeto, aquisição, operação, manutenção, lCC, gestão de riscos, gestão de mudanças, descarte, reciclagem, análises críticas, critérios de aquisição, substituição e descarte de equipamentos, análise de vida remanescente, estimativas e projeções.
GESTÃO ESTRATÉGICA - envolvimento da alta direção, indicadores e medição de resultados, análises críticas, planos estratégicos, planejamento, gestão de riscos, projeções, gestão de recursos, gestão de pessoas, análise de impactos.
IMPACTOS REGULATÓRIOS - como a gestão de ativos pode apoiar a regulação e o mercado de energia do país, resultados de indicadores técnicos obtidos pela gestão dos ativos.
“Born in the city of Avaré-SP in 1956 and from Minas Gerais with heart and soul, the boy Amauri Reigado Costa de Oliveira was the firstborn of a family of 04 children and has always stood out for his dedication to studies. The year 1982 was a milestone in his professional and personal life when he moved to Minas Gerais and started the Postgraduate course in the Electrical Systems Engineering Course (CESE) at the Federal University of Itajubá and later the Master in Electrical Engineering at same University.
In 2007, Engº Amauri participated in the Leadership program in

Management representing CEMIG (Companhia Elétrica de Minas Gerais) and took over the Distribution Maintenance Superintendence in 2010. In this period, his involvement with Asset Management began, when he invested resources and supported the team in understanding and disseminating of the subject and in the change of paradigms that the subject required. This effort was recognized with the survey carried out by ICA/Procobre among several companies in the country on the level of conceptual understanding in Asset Management, where Cemig-D was the main positive highlight.
In 2007, Engº Amauri participated in the Leadership in Management program representing CEMIG (Companhia Elétrica de Minas Gerais) and came to assume the Superintendence of Distribution Maintenance in 2010. In this period, his involvement with Asset Management began, when it invested resources and supported the team in understanding and disseminating the theme and in changing the paradigms that the subject required. This effort was recognized with the survey carried out by ICA/Procobre among several companies in the country on the level of conceptual understanding in Asset Management, where Cemig-D was the main positive highlight.
In 2011, invited by Engª Marisa Zampolli, he participated in the meeting called the “Ten Dreamers” meeting, which brought together leaders from companies such as CEMIG, AES Tietê, Eletropaulo and Elektro to debate how asset management concepts would be disseminated in the Brazilian electricity sector. .
In 2012, he was appointed to coordinate the strategic initiatives of distribution and, a year later, as Supplies Superintendent, Amauri was in charge of implementing the important “Logistics Operator” project at Cemig, remaining until 2014 in this company where he dedicated himself for several years. 29 years old.
Engº Amauri left us in person in May 2014, when we were still planning the 1st EGAESE, but his teachings and his examples remained.
The best practices in Asset Management will be recognized by the 5th edition of the National Asset Management Award Engenheiro Amauri Reigado, which will announce its winners during the 9th EGAESE – Asset Management Meeting for Electric Sector Companies, an event to be held in November 2022
Concessionaires and licensees in the electricity sector that practice the concepts of Asset Management in their daily lives may apply, and direct or outsourced employees of such companies are also allowed to apply.
REGISTRATION: Registration will be open from April 28, 2022 until 11:59 pm on May 31, 2022.
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